Amy Butler has been recognised in Chambers & Partners UK as a ‘star associate’. Amy also received the following review:
Amy Butler routinely advises adults who lack capacity on important health and welfare decisions, and is particularly well versed in advising on cases involving the deprivation of liberty. She often represents individuals with severe brain injuries and learning disabilities. Sources say: “Her main strengths are her communication, tenacity and drive,” and appreciate that she “relates well with people at all levels and is always very professional and efficient, keeps to the timescale and delivers work to a high standard.”
It is an excellent achievement for the firm and it recognises the high quality advice we provide to clients on complex and important cases. Our team are skilled at working with vulnerable individuals and those with medical conditions or developmental conditions which may impair their ability to make decisions. We are regularly instructed in cases where a person is deprived of their liberty and are particularly experienced in this niche area.
If you are interested to hear more about our work or think that you have a case that we may be able to assist with, please contact us at